Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 3: Thermal Conductivity Test

Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 3: Thermal Conductivity Test

Our test well is fully installed and grouted, and we've waited a full five days for the ground to cool down after all that drilling and compressed air. It’s finally time to begin our 48-hour thermal geothermal conductivity test….

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Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 2: Installing the Test Well

Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 2: Installing the Test Well

A well test is prescribed for any vertical geothermal loop field in a commercial-sized application. The well test provides an opportunity to analyze the heat transfer properties of geological formation at the well field site. Once analyzed, this information helps the design engineer….

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