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Domestic Hot Water Recirculation

Domestic Hot Water, Hot Water Recirculation, Plumbing, Pumps and Piping, Recirculation Series
Domestic Hot Water Recirculation Part 8: Proper Application of Pressure Reducing Valves
Domestic Hot Water, Hot Water Recirculation, Plumbing, Pumps and Piping, Recirculation Series
Pressure reducing valves (PRVs) are a necessary component in just about any domestic hot water system served by a high-pressure domestic water supply main. In this blog we’ll discuss how to apply PRVs properly so that these “necessary components” don’t become necessary evils that create water service problems and huge energy penalties for owners.
Domestic Hot Water, Hot Water Recirculation, Plumbing, Pumps and Piping, Recirculation Series
In our last blog we talked about how to properly size a hydropneumatic tank – but the engineer’s work doesn’t end there. He or she also needs to specify the appropriate pre-charge on the drawings. Otherwise the tank will not be set properly at start-up and will not provide the intended energy savings.
By Chris Edmondson
Over the last several weeks we’ve talked about many aspects of designing a commercial sewage lift station, from flow rates to components. In this blog, we’re going to work through a really simple sizing example. Let’s say we are sizing a sewage station for a retirement facility made up of primarily independent living units.
New York City wasted no time adopting portions of the recently published Standard 188-2015, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems. This is following the recent outbreak of...