Best Practices for Hydronic Systems Part 6: Keeping Air Out of Your Hydronic System

Best Practices for Hydronic Systems Part 6: Keeping Air Out of Your Hydronic System

Air in your hydronic system can result in noisy operation, reduced heat transfer, and equipment damage and corrosion. Fortunately, by observing a few simple rules, you can keep system ai….

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ASHRAE Introduces Guide for Reopening Schools

ASHRAE Introduces Guide for Reopening Schools

School is back in (sort of) and the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force is doing everything it can to help school districts and university campus environmental health managers, facility managers, administrators, technicians, and service providers navigate through these unprecedented circumstances. Most notably….

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Humidification Basics Part 5: Calculating Humidification Loads for Economizer Cycle Systems

Humidification Basics Part 5:  Calculating Humidification Loads for Economizer Cycle Systems

Now that we’ve learned how to calculate a basic humidification load, we need to understand how to do the same when an economizer cycle is part of our design. 

Why is that so important? Because nearly every commercial building in the continental US is required (per DOE) to incorporate either an air- or water-side economizer. If your state hasn’t already incorporated the ruling into its commercial building code, it’s just a matter of time ...

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